Thursday, November 24, 2011

Musings at Chitharal

Chitharal, a reminder of how the world was a smaller place in a time long long ago. History says that during 7th century this place was under the influence of Jainisim, thanks to King Mahendra Verman I(610-640) who followed the Jain tradition. This temple have rockcut sculptures dating back to 9th century, and one can find that all of them are still in excellent condition today.

the view of temple from rock top
 It is not surprising why Jains chose this particular spot as their homage in the south. It's a beautiful secluded spot, rising above the surrounding terrain. We spent a lot of time at the rock tops, listening to the sound of wind blowing and making long whooshing sounds. We closed our eyes and imagined the time long ago, when people came here from all places to find answers to questions they were chasing all their life. Atleast some of them would have find their answers from the wise monks here and returned satisfied.

 Even now, there are seekers who try to walk the foot steps of the ancient ones, when they realise that google doesn't have answers for everything. Something doesn't just change across centuries.

 After sometime, we began to hear the song "Kangal Irandaaal" from the nearby junction, which brought our minds back to the civilization. When in Tamil Nadu, there is no escaping of loud speakers, even in the rock tops it seems.

Meditating in peace
 After spending some more time at the top, we climbed down and began to take some more pictures of Mahaveera's rock sculpture. Then the most interesting thing happened.

 I was standing near the sculpture, while Renjith was taking the picture. Then suddenly he looked up from the camera and shouted, " Look out! A snake.." I jumped from where I was standing and looked to left to see a nine feet tall King Cobra slithering near the pillars. It raised its dark head and hissed at me......

Ok, I was kidding. There was a snake near the pillars and it was only three feet tall and it didn't even mind me. Come to think of it, it was more of a baby snake. I am leaving the picture here, you be the judge.

 Anyway, after sometime the snake got bored and slithered away to a hole in the rock, once more leaving us alone in the scenic place. We too, returned to our own homes taking some beautiful memories with us. Thus ended a memorable trip to Chitharal.

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